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Le 12ème salon du Livre de l’I.M.F.

Publié par Géplu

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jeudi 20 novembre 2014
  • 3
    5 juin 2019 à 12h25 / Répondre

    Buenas Tardes Carmen,
    Cual es tu correo electronico, por favor.
    Voy a te enviar un documento.

  • 1
    5 septembre 2018 à 19h14 / Répondre


    I´m writing from Barcelona, sorry, becouse only speak english and spanish, not french. The reason for my contact is because I was looking for my grandfather who had disappeared in the Civil War through documents from the National Archive of Spanish Historical Memory.

    The reason is becouse my father always told me that my grandfather had gone into exile in France at the end of the war and they had lost their track.

    I don´t know how, but today I found in a paragraph in a book, where said that belonged to the LOGIA Ambrosio Ristori 682 in the east of Bordeaux, a letter from Mr. ANDRÉ COMBES, I tried to find his contact on the internet in case he could provide me with more data but I have not found it. Then I have seen that you know him and I was wondering if it would be possible for you to give me your contact, an e-mail, for example, to be able to write to ask him about my grandfather.

    It’s a bit messy but it would be important for me to know where I came from and to be able to find my roots.

    I´m looking forward your news.

    Thanks a lot and Regards!

    • 2
      5 septembre 2018 à 20h49 / Répondre

      Pour aider Carmen, qui connait une loge « Ambrosio Ristori 682 » à l’est de Bordeaux ?
      Quant à André Combes, tu peux Carmen lui faire une lettre aux bons soins de son éditeur, Dervy :

      To help Carmen, who knows a Lodge « Ambrosio Ristori 682 » east of Bordeaux ?
      As for André Combes, you can make a letter to his publisher, Dervy:

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