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Paul Rich et Margaret Jacob
Paul Rich, président de PSO, et Margaret Jacob, professeure à UCLA, durant la Conférence

Histoire, franc-maçonnerie, fraternalisme à la BnF, le bilan

Publié par Pierre Mollier

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mardi 30 mai 2017
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    4 juin 2017 à 8h57 / Répondre

    Paris, centre mondial des études maçonniques. Mais Paris, capitale d’un Etat dont l’écrasante majorité des francs-maçons n’est pas reconnue… Comment dire ?…

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      Paul Rich
      4 juin 2017 à 10h12 / Répondre

      i do not consider as Masonic those lodges which will not initiate those of color, Jews, gays, or make suitable arrangements for the sharing of Masonry with women. Nor do I consider as understanding Masonry those jurisdictions which insist on recognizing such lodges as « regular ». The notion that the grand lodge of England is somehow the Mother Grand Lodge of the World and defines freemasonry for everyone is ridiculous. The comic absurdity is compounded by its insistence on it and on celebrating a fictitious 300th anniversary because it has hotel banquet reservations underlines the point. Regularity is achieved by adherence to Masonic values, not by genuflecting to the Duke of Kent. Recognition of racially segregated lodges in 2017 is offensive, and it is offensive to recognize those such as England that do so as « regular ».

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        Peter Bu
        11 juin 2017 à 13h19 / Répondre

        Bravo, Paul, everything is said!

        Bravo, Paul, tout est dit!

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    Paul Rich
    4 juin 2017 à 6h56 / Répondre

    All of us owe Pierre for the sterling work he does to make visiting Paris so successful. He can always be counted on. Paris 2017 was no exception, and his cheerful corps of volunteers made registration a breeze. Academic courtesy calls for thanking those who contributed to a paper, and quite honestly there are several dozen papers that need to acknowledge him. Moreover, the Museum of Freemasonry that he has such a considerable role in creating is quite, quite extraordinary. There is no question that all this has played a role in making Paris the center of world Masonic scholarship.

    Paul Rich

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